
09 March 2016

Talk a Walk with the Inklings on 15 March 2016

Next week at 8PM EST on 15 March please come and join the Inklings as they take a walk together on twitter. We will be quoting from their works and engaging in lively conversation and friendly banter. Who knows where we'll start (Addison's Walk?), but we'll probably stop and The Bird and the Baby for a swift drink, and maybe end up back at Lewis' rooms. 

With us will be:

J.R.R. Tolkien  -- @TolkienElfland
C.S. Jack Lewis -- @pilgriminnarnia
Charles Williams  --- @oddestinkling
Owen Barfield -- @BarfieldDiction
Hugo Dyson -- @hugodyson

Follow us all on twitter, and follow #inkwalk to stay up to date on what we're up to. 

(Rumor has it that Dyson is going to try to talk Tolkien into re-enacting his famed theft of an omnibus during his early days at Exeter College)

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