
24 February 2019

Two Brief Observations on Galadriel

It is curious that Galadriel uses her mirror to test the only two members of the Company who will ever bear the Ring. Does this fall under her knowing ‘in part what also shall be’ (FR 2.vii.357)?

At the Ford of Bruinen Frodo defies the Ringwraiths' demand for the Ring, and attempts to command them to '[g]o back to the Land of Mordor, and follow me no more!' (FR 1.xii.215). In response they laugh at him and tell him that they will take him to Mordor. In The Mirror of Galadriel Frodo offers to give Galadriel the Ring. In response she, too, laughs, but clearly at herself and her situation, and tells him that it is time for him to leave Lothlórien (FR 1.vii.365-366).


  1. 1) Perhaps she could see that these two would have the darker journey.
    2) Frodo offers her the Ring; she laughs and tells him to get out of her country?

  2. 1) She knew that Sam would never leave Frodo, and if something happened to him, Sam would bear the ring in service to his master. She knew that when she probed their hearts in Caras Galadhon.
    2) It is time for him to leave because she has passed the test. Which begs the question, was she contemplating taking the ring and that is why the company stayed so long in Lothlorien?
